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Can You Choose Your Own Body Shop?

Can You Choose Your Own Body Shop?

After an auto accident or collision, you might wonder if you can choose which body shop to use for repairs. A lot of people don’t realize they can choose their repair shop. Insurance companies might push back against this, but according to a Connecticut state statute, it’s “your car, your choice”: Car owners have the right to choose which repair shop should perform the repairs, and the insurer is required to pay the rate that is “usual and customary” in the area for the necessary repairs.

Choosing Your Own Body Shop Versus Using the Insurance Company’s Choice

Insurance companies usually have a preferred body shop for repairs. The insurance company refers its clients to one of their preferred auto repair shops when they make a claim, giving the auto body shop more business and earning the insurer a preferential rate.

It can be tempting to work with the insurer’s preferred shop because it saves you time researching other companies and makes negotiation with the insurance company potentially easier. However, consider some factors before making that decision:

  • Does the body shop have good online reviews as far as cost of repairs, quality of work, and other aspects of the repair process?
  • Are the technicians skilled in working with your type of vehicle?
  • Does the company use high-quality parts and perform repair work that won’t void your warranty?
  • Are you happy with the level of customer service the body shop offers?

Choosing a preferred shop can come with some perks, including warranties, easy access to shops nationwide if there are issues with the repair, and the chance to have quicker service because the insurer has a preferential contract with the company.

However, if you already have a good relationship with a repair facility or you’ve received recommendations from friends and family about their preferred auto repair shops, you might prefer to go with a company of your choosing instead of going with insurance-recommended shops. Local body shops offer more personal service and treat their clients with a level of care and attention that bigger chains sometimes fail to deliver.

You have the right to research or choose an auto body shop for your repairs. If you decide to go this route, be prepared to remind your insurance company you’re acting within your rights and that you’ve chosen a company you’re confident will perform the repairs to a high standard. 

Some companies, such as Towne Body Shop, work with your insurance company to help you get the claim approved, helping you secure access to the best repair work in your area.

Why Towne Body Shop Is the Right Choice

Towne Body Shop is an auto repair shop staffed by honest and reliable technicians who have extensive experience performing quality repairs after collisions and accidents. Our professional technicians are approved by major auto manufacturers and use OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts, so our repairs won’t void your warranty. We can help you work with your insurance company to get the cost of your vehicle repairs covered, saving you time and hassle after an accident.

Contact Us

If you’ve been involved in a vehicular collision or car accident, contact Towne Body Shop today for a no-obligation quote on auto body repair in Bridgeport or Stratford, Connecticut.